Content authoring
As a content author, you can use the Content Hub ONE app to enter text and other media, creating digital experiences for your customers. To begin, you choose a content type such as a destination or hotel, then add content according to the structure of the chosen content type.
In the following example, the Hotels content type includes the following fields:
Name - the name of the content item (initially untitled). The name displayed at the top of the page automatically changes to match what you type here.
Industry - the industry identifies the class of article, such as travel.
Hero image - the hotel page includes a hero image.
Short description - this is a short description of the hotel. The asterisk indicates it is a required field.
Description - the main body of the hotel page. You can use the buttons on the toolbar to format the text as needed.
Related items - this is reusable content that links to related content items.
Amenities - this is a taxonomy that content authors can use to classify hotels based on the amenities available, such as Air conditioning, Parking, WiFi, and so on.
Room type - this is a taxonomy that content authors can use to classify hotels based on the type of bed in the room, such as Twin beds, Queen bed, King bed, and so on.