PUT settings

A PUT query to the settings endpoint updates all settings at once.

Relative Route





The body structure is as follows:

  "contentCacheTtl": "04:00:00",
  "contentCacheAutoClear": true,
  "mediaCacheTtl": "04:00:00",
  "mediaCacheAutoClear": true,
  "tenantCacheAutoClear": true

This request updates the following settings:

  • Content cache time to live: cache duration of a piece of content. Value format: timespan.

  • Media cache time to live: cache duration of media resources. Value format: timespan.

  • Content cache auto-clear: auto-clear content-specific caches on publishing end. Value format: boolean.

  • Media cache auto-clear: auto-clear media caches on publishing end. Value format: boolean.

  • Tenant cache auto-clear: auto-clear entire cache on publishing end. Value format: boolean.


A successful query returns the accepted status code (202).

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