Integrate pages hosted with Discover
Sitecore has deprecated hosting pages with Discover.
We recommend that you use the Discover JS SDK to integrate your website or the Discover API for a website or application integration.
Sitecore Discover offers the option to host and serve your product listing and landing pages. Before Discover can host any product listing or landing pages, you must upload product and category data, and provide Discover with a URL strategy and HTML templates of your pages.
When we host these pages for you, the URL request to your server is passed through to the Discover web service. For a smooth experience for your visitors, you must configure your CDN/reverse proxy settings and ensure that you have set Discover as a subdomain.
The URL of product listing page encapsulates its configuration in the Discover Customer Engagement Console (CEC). Using the product attributes and values in the URL, the web service filters your catalog to return products that fit the URL path and query parameters.
You have limited control over the look and feel of these pages.