Split test recommendation widget recipes
In a Sitecore Discover recommendation widget, the recipe is the primary algorithm that generates results. Adding a rule only filters or alters those results.
Given the pivotal role that a recipe choice plays in the widget's performance, split testing recommendation widgets focuses on comparing recipe options.
To run this test you must have a recommendation with two variations so that the only difference between them is the assigned recipe.
To split recommendation widget recipes using the Customer Engagement Console (CEC).:
In the Customer Engagement Console (CEC), on the menu bar, click Widgets.
On the Widgets tab, to open a recommendation widget, click its name.
On the Split Testing tab, click Add Split Test.
In the Name field, enter a name for your split test and click Next.
From the Variations list, drag the variations you want to add to the test to the indicated area.
Assign the percentage of traffic you want to drive to each variation and then click Next.
Select values for the Start Date, End Date, and Time Zone fields, and then click Next.
Review the details of your split test and then click Save.
Click Publish.