Using the product browser
You can access your full product catalog using the Product Browser tab of the Products section of the Catalog page of the Customer Engagement Console (CEC).
On the Product Browser tab, you can search for a product by keyword, access analytics and other data about products, and view products on your website.
You can view your product catalog using either the list view () or the card view (
). Switch between these two views using the icons on the upper right-hand side of the page.
While in the list view, you can click a product in the list for more information. This opens a page that displays detailed information about the product, imported from your data feed. Hovering over any product in the list view brings up the following icons on the right side of the product row:
Performance (
) - opens a pop-up window with analytic data about the selected product.
RFK Details (
) - opens a pop-up window with the JSON representation of the selected product's data as it appears in your data feed.
View On Site (
) - opens the product details page for the selected product on your website.
While in the card view, you can click View Product on a product card for more information about that product. Clicking the ellipses () on a product card opens a dialog box with links to Performance (
), RFK Details (
), and View on Site (
). These links have the same function as described previously. Finally, hovering over Quick Look on a product card opens a dialog box containing basic information about the product such as brand, name, price, analytic data, and so on.
If you have sufficient privileges (the TechAdmin role), you can choose which attributes are shown in the Quick Look dialog box using the Domain Settings section of the Administration page.