The Horizon editor

Version: 9.3

In the Horizon page editor, you can create new pages based on page templates, and you can edit existing pages.

The page editor is the default view in Horizon - you can return to the page editor from other Horizon views by clicking the Page editor icon .

While you are editing a page in Horizon, you can switch between different device layouts to see how the page will appear on different devices.

You can undo and redo changes, and your work is saved automatically.

If a page belongs to a workflow, you can move the page through the workflow in the Horizon editor. If you have publishing rights, you can publish pages from the editor.

The Horizon editor screen layout

The three main areas of the page editor screen.

A - When you open the editor, the left-hand pane displays the content tree. The Horizon content tree contains all pages for the current site. When you create a page or add renderings to a page, the left-hand pane displays a panel specific to the current task.

B - When you select a page in the content tree, the content area in the middle of the screen displays the page as it will appear on the site. You can edit the fields of the selected page and the fields of any item rendered on the page. You can also add and remove renderings on the page.

C - The right-hand pane contains basic information about the selected item, as well as Workflow status. If you select a field, rendering or placeholder, the right-hand pane contains details about the selected element. You also use the right-hand pane to carry out actions such as changing the workflow status of an item or applying formatting to rich text fields.


The content tree shows all content items with layout, and folders that are created from the standard folder template.

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