Entities client
The SDK provides an Entities client
to perform CRUD operations on entities.
The client
variable in the following code examples refers to the IMClient
instance. When using the Web SDK, the variable name can be chosen freely, but it is also called client
at instantiation in the documentation.
Get entities
The following method gets an entity by id:
IEntity entity = await MClient.Entities.GetAsync(entityId);
When the entity does not exist or the user does not have enough permissions to read it, the method returns null
There are many options to load entities by id, by identifier or by definition. For more information about the different options, please refer to the IEntitiesClient
in the API reference.
It is possible to pass loading configurations when loading entities. For more information about loading configurations, please refer to the load configurations section.
Create entities
An entity can only be instantiated using the EntityFactory
In the following snippet, an Asset entity is created (locally).
IEntity asset = await MClient.EntityFactory.CreateAsync("M.Asset");
asset.SetPropertyValue("Title", "AssetName");
In the following snippet, the locally created Asset entity is sent to the server to be validated and persisted.
long id = await MClient.Entities.SaveAsync(asset);
The returned id is the id of the newly created entity. To get the latest version of this entity, use the id to get it from the server again.
Update entities
Similar to creating entities, use the save method on the entities client after performing the modification.
long id = await MClient.Entities.SaveAsync(asset);
The returned id is the same id of the entity. To get the latest version of this entity, use the id to get it from the server again.
Delete entities
Entity deletion can be achieved by using the Delete method of the entities client. The entity id needs to be specified for deletion.
await MClient.Entities.DeleteAsync(entityId);
Copy entities
An entity can be copied by using the Copy method of the entities client.
await MClient.Entities.CopyAsync(entityId, entityCopyOptions);
Entities can be copied by specifying a copy profile or the Properties
and Relations
you want to overwrite, keep, ignore, remove, and so on.
In the following snippet a new M.Asset
entity is created based on an existing M.Asset
entity. In the new entity the original entity's Title will be overwritten with a new value, the Description will be ignore, the FileName will be kept as well as the AssetTypeToAsset relation and the LocalizationToAsset will be removed:
var options = new EntityCopyOptionsBuilder()
.WithProperty("Title", PropertyCopyMethod.Overwrite, "new title")
.WithProperty("Description", PropertyCopyMethod.Ignore)
.WithProperty("FileName", PropertyCopyMethod.Keep)
.WithRelation("AssetTypeToAsset", RelationCopyMethod.Keep)
.WithRelation("LocalizationToAsset", RelationCopyMethod.Remove)
var copyId = await MClient.Entities.CopyAsync(originalEntityId, options);
The returned id is the id of the newly created entity.
In the following snippet an existing M.Asset
entity is updated based on another existing M.Asset
entity. In the new entity the original entity's Title will be overwritten with a new value, the Description will be ignore, the FileName will be kept as well as the AssetTypeToAsset relation, the LocalizationToAsset will be removed and the AssetMediaToAsset relation will be ignored:
var options = new EntityCopyOptionsBuilder()
.WithProperty("Title", PropertyCopyMethod.Overwrite, "new title")
.WithProperty("Description", PropertyCopyMethod.Ignore)
.WithProperty("FileName", PropertyCopyMethod.Keep)
.WithRelation("AssetTypeToAsset", RelationCopyMethod.Keep)
.WithRelation("LocalizationToAsset", RelationCopyMethod.Remove)
.WithRelation("AssetMediaToAsset", RelationCopyMethod.Ignore)
var copyId = await MClient.Entities.CopyAsync(originalEntityId, options);
The returned id is the same id as of the destination entity.
In the following snippet a new M.Content
entity is created based on an existing M.Content
entity. Which Properties
and Relations
will be copied, ignored, kept, etc. are defined by in the out-of-box Drafts
copy profile for M.Content
var options = new EntityCopyOptionsBuilder()
.WithCopyProfile(30102) // ID of the OOB Drafts Copy Profile for M.Content entities
var copyId = await MClient.Entities.CopyAsync(originalEntityId, options);
The returned id is the id of the newly created entity.