Send a widget event using the Events REST API

There are many types of events you can send using the Events API. If you integrate using the API, you must send all widget appear and widget click events when a visitor sees or clicks on a widget. This topic shows sample steps for how to send a widget click event using the Events REST API.

To send a widget clickevent using the Events REST API:

  1. Retrieve your API URL.

  2. Create the widget click event object as shown in the following code:

      "value": {        
        "context": {
          "geo": <geo object>,
          "browser": <browser object>
        "rfkid": "<widget rfkid>"           
      "uuid": "<Discover UUID>",    
      "user_id""<anonymous user ID>"

    You must provide either uuid or user_id.

  3. Send the event object to your Events API URL as shown in the following code sample:

     "data": "{<event object goes here>}"

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