Introduction to experience goals
If you want to track the performance of an experience, you must add a goal before you start it. The business goal can be anything such as increasing purchases, reducing clicks, or improving website metrics.
The first goal you add to the experience is the primary goal. You might have additional targets you want to track in the experience such as the Click Through Rate (CTR). These are known as secondary goals. Any goals you add to the experience after the primary goal are automatically set as secondary goals.
In an experience, the only difference between a primary goal and a secondary goal is the order in which they display on the Performance screen.
When you add a goal, you can enter a baseline goal target. You can do this to identify if your experience is achieving the desired outcome. For example, you can add a goal target of 15% for a bounce rate goal. After the experience runs for 24 hours, you can view analytics on the Performance screen. You can view its performance against the goal target on a line graph, as shown in the following image: