Create a page variant

In the page builder Personalize mode, the process of delivering a personalized experience to your website’s visitors involves first creating a website page variant and building an audience for it. You can then edit the page variant to cater to the expectations and requirements of the audience you have built and assigned to the variant. Only visitors that belong to this audience see this page variant.


At the moment, it is only possible to create a maximum of eight variants per default page. For each variant, it is only possible to include a maximum of five conditions per audience.

To create a page variant in the page builder:

  1. On the page builder Editor tab, in the site tree, click the page you want to create a variant for.

  2. On the Personalize tab, in the left-hand side panel, click Create variant.

  3. To create the audience intended for that page variant, in the Create new page variant dialog, enter the page variant name.

  4. In the Create your audience dialog, in Build mode, enter the name of your audience and click Add first condition.

  5. To add a condition template to the audience builder, click next to the template name.

    To locate a condition template, do one of the following:

    • Open the Tags selector and select the relevant tags. The list of templates displays only templates that have at least one of the selected tags.

    • Type a search term in the search field. The list of templates displays only templates whose name or description includes that search term.

  6. In the audience builder, specify the details of the condition. See Condition templates for an explanation of the available templates and their details.

    Screenshot of the audience builder
  7. If you have added several conditions, set up the operators between conditions.

  8. Optionally, to create a group of conditions, click Add group. This helps you control the order of execution of conditions by having a nested group of conditions within the list of conditions selected for the audience.

  9. To move the condition or group of conditions higher or lower in the list of conditions, click the up or down arrow on the right-hand side of the condition. The order of execution is impacted by the order in which the conditions are arranged in the builder.

  10. When you have finished creating the audience, to see a list of conditions in an easily readable format, in the order they are run, click Preview.

  11. Click Save and close the audience builder.

    Your newly created variant is now available in the list of variants in the left pane.

  12. You can now edit the variant. When you are done editing, you must publish it for it to be visible to the audience you defined.

To personalize the page variant, you can:

  • assign a different content item to the component


    Direct inline editing in a page variant means that the default page is also changed. To personalize a page, you must edit the page variant by assigning different content items to components, and not using inline editing.

  • hide a component in the variant page

  • in some cases, replace the component with another compatible one.

A component that was edited to personalize the page variant is highlighted in teal. An icon in the top right corner of the component also indicates that the component has been personalized.

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