Sitecore XM Cloud
Sitecore Experience Manager Cloud (XM Cloud) offers a unified platform for both developers and marketers to create and update websites so you can offer rich and relevant experiences to your customers.
The various features in XM Cloud allow you to create, update, and share content. By separating structure from design, front-end designers, creative designers, content authors, and developers can work in parallel and you can deploy and maintain multiple sites quickly and cost-effectively. After a basic user-experience plan is in place, everyone can get started on the platform. If this is your first introduction to XM Cloud, we recommend you familiarize yourself with some core terms.
To find information about recent product releases, visit the changelog.
To learn about how your compliance obligations can be achieved when using XM Cloud, learn about Sitecore's data privacy policies.
Here are some of the various ways you can navigate XM Cloud.
Sitecore Cloud Portal
XM Cloud's first point of access is the Sitecore Cloud Portal. When you log in to XM Cloud with your organization's credentials, you will find links to the documentation, support, the Sitecore developer portal, and other relevant resources. The Portal is your access point to any additional Sitecore products you are subscribed to, such as Content Hub ONE or Sitecore Personalize.
For a full description of the Sitecore Cloud Portal, visit its documentation, and read about its key terms.
In the Portal, the quick action panels gives you one-click access to important functionalities such as inviting team members and managing projects, as well direct access to multiple development environments - if you have them.
In the Apps section, click one of the instances. This opens a side panel to the right with some direct links to quick actions available for that instance. Click Open app to access the XM Cloud homepage.

Switcher and pocket navigation
Available in the top-left corner on the XM Cloud Sites homepage, the switcher lets you switch organization, app, project, or environment. In the other tools, such as in the page builder, the switcher is replaced by the pocket navigation menu that lets you open other tools while remaining in the same environment.
In the switcher, you can:
Read the name of the organization you are currently signed into. The button Switch lets you log into another organization if you have been invited to more than one.
Access the Sitecore Cloud portal with the Sitecore Cloud button.
Open the various apps and environments you have access to in a specific organization.

From the other builders interface, the switcher is replaced by a pocket navigation menu that lets you access your Content and Design library tools.

XM Cloud homepage
The XM Cloud homepage is called Sites. This is where you create and manage sites in your environment.

In the navigation top header, you can access the following tool:
In the Design library menu, find your Components and Forms builders and libraries.
In the Content menu, find easy access to Explorer, Content editor and the Media library.
The Analytics tab opens the Sites and Forms analytics dashboards.
On the Settings tab, you can access and manage the settings for your environment, such as the analytics identifiers needed to provide analytics and personalization features in the page builder, and the languages and locales enabled for the environment.
On the Settings tab, you can also find links to all the features in XM Cloud, including older Sitecore products you might already have worked with if you are a long-time user of Sitecore.