Log in to Sitecore Personalize
If your organization is using Sitecore Cloud Portal, you are automatically logged in after you accept your email invite and create a password.
If your organization is not using Sitecore Cloud Portal, you can follow this topic to log in to Sitecore Personalize.
The steps for logging into your Sitecore Personalize vary depending on whether your organization has made Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) mandatory.
To log into Sitecore Personalize:
If this is your first time accessing Sitecore Personalize, you'll receive an email from inviting you to join the account. If you haven't received an email, request access from your Administrator with the Enterprise Admin role. If you've logged into the Sitecore Personalize app before, proceed to Step 6.
Open the invitation email.
Click the Get Started button. The Sign up screen displays.
Complete the following fields:
Full name - enter your first and last name.
New password - enter the password you want to associate with this account. Your password must be at least 10 characters with at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number.
Confirm new password - re-enter the password you want to associate with this account.
Click the Sign up button.
The Login screen displays.
Enter your email address in the first field.
Select the Remember Me check box to save your username and password the next time you login.
Click the Next button. The password field displays if you entered the correct email address associated with your account.
Enter the password associated with your account. Your password must be at least 10 characters with at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number.
Click the Login button. The homepage displays.
If 2FA has been enabled in your organization, a banner displays when you log in. You will only have access to the Settings area of the application.