Use a decision model in a web experience
You can use a decision model for a web experience that requires a fair amount of logic to determine the next best offer or action. For example, if you want to show an offer that takes into account customer lifetime value, propensity models, real-time inventory levels, and integrates with your Content Delivery Network (CDN) to display the best offer, you can create a web experience that uses a decision model.
Using a decision model in a web experience is optional. For example, you do not need a decision model if you want to use a web template to create a corner pop-up offer on your homepage alerting guests about your new product offerings.
To use a decision model in a web experience:
On the experience builder, click the Decisioning tile.
Additional fields display.
Click Add decision model.
In the Decisioning pane, click the decision model you want the experience to run. The experience only potentially runs any decision model variants in a state of production that are configured to use this decision model.
Alternatively, to create a decision model, click Create decision model.
to close the pane.
Edit the API request to include the output of the decision model. This is the offer or content you want to include in the experience.
For a decision model to be made available in the Decisioning pane, at least one of its decision model variants must have a state of production or test.