The output of an export
This topic describes the file formats you can choose from for the output of an audience export, and the contents of the output.
File formats
When creating an audience export, on the File format tab, you choose whether to export the data as a CSV or a JSON output.
You can further customize the CSV output by choosing whether to:
Contents of the output
After the audience export finishes running, one way you can access the exported data is by downloading the output directly from Sitecore CDP. The output is gzipped, and you need to extract it using a file archiver. Alternatively, you can receive the output in external APIs or integration tools such as Sitecore Connect, and extract the output there. This enables you to send the output of an audience export to third-party systems.
Here's an example CSV output. The file format was configured to:
Separate values with pipes.
Include headers.
Not wrap values in double quotes.
[email protected]|28|04/09/2025
[email protected]|26|01/09/2025
Here's an example JSON output. The JSON file consists of individual JSON records, one record per line.
{"email":"[email protected]","age":28,"lastSeen":"04/09/2025"}
{"email":"[email protected]","age":26,"lastSeen":"01/09/2025"}