Create a recommendation widget

In Sitecore Discover, each widget type has a particular procedure for creation. The following describes how to create a recommendation widget. The most important element of a recommendation widget is the recipe associated with it.

To create a recommendation widget:

  1. In the Customer Engagement Console (CEC), on the menu bar, click Widgets.

  2. On the Widgets tab, click Add widget.

  3. Click Recommendation.

  4. Enter or select values for the Widget name, RFK ID, Variation name, and Will be used in form fields, and click Next.

  5. In the Choose Recipe step, to filter a list of recipes, enter text in the Search input field.

    Screenshot of the Choose Recipe step while creating a recommendation widget.
  6. To select a recipe, on a recipe card, click Choose and click Next.

  7. In the Widget style drop-down menu, select the appearance layout you want and then click Next.

  8. Review your choices and to complete creating the widget, click Save.

  9. To deploy your new widget, click Publish.


Before your developer can add a new widget to your application, you must add it to a page in the CEC..

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