Redirect visitors

Your merchandising strategy for promotions and online sales might require directing visitors to certain pages on your website or e-commerce store. In Sitecore Discover, you can add a global widget variation rule to do this Every widget inherits this rule and as long as the rule is not overridden, it is applied.

The following procedure configures the site context of a global widget variation rule to redirect visitors when they enter certain search keywords.

To redirect visitors when they enter a certain keyword:

  1. In the Customer Engagement Console (CEC), on the menu bar, click Global Resources.

  2. Click Global Widget, and on the Global Widget Variations tab, select the default variation.

  3. On the Rules tab, click Add Rule.

  4. On the menu bar, click Context.

  5. On the Site Context tab, click Add Attribute.

  6. From the attributes drop-down menu, clickKeywords.

  7. In the Enter value text input field, enter a single word or a multiword keyword, and press Enter.

  8. On the menu bar, click Settings.

  9. On the Redirect tab, in the Enter url input field, enter or paste the destination URL.


    You must include the http:// or https:// in the URL.

  10. Click Save.


    To preview the saved rule before publishing, click Preview .

  11. Click Publish.

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