Sitecore XM Cloud

Access the latest documentation for XM Cloud, a headless, cloud-native, API-first, content and layout management system that can scale based on your needs.


Learn about new features and enhancements to Sitecore XM Cloud.

Create and deploy your first XM Cloud component to your local environment in less than an hour by following all the steps, from deploying a project to building the component.

45 minutes

Deploy a project and environment

10 minutes

Log into the Cloud Portal for the first time, open the Deploy app and create your first project and environment.

Create a site and page

5 minutes

In the main XM Cloud apps dashboard, create an empty site, then open it in the Pages builder and start adding content.

Set up your local development environment

10 minutes

Use the enablement code in the Deploy app to create environment variables, and start your local development environment.

Build your first component

20 minutes

Create and deploy a new React component in your project, create its modules and renderings in the Content Editor, use the component in Pages and see the results in your local host.

Build components

Design your brand’s style guide and build visual components in the WYSIWYG editor of XM Cloud Components.

Create websites

Create a website in just a few clicks in the XM Cloud Dashboard Sites.

Design webpages

Edit content and drag-and-drop components on the canvas to create layouts with XM Cloud Pages.

Work with Forms

Create and design forms that are visually appealing and easy to use within a webpage.

Personalize digital experiences

Build web pages with layouts and content customized to different audiences with XM Cloud Pages Personalize.

Analyze digital performance

Take business decisions based on meaningful insights with XM Cloud Pages Analyze.

Reference documentation

Develop the front end with JSS for Next.js

Use the JavaScript SDK to develop front-end components while visualizing your work in the Pages editor.

Integrate using the Cloud SDK

Add tracking, analytics, and personalization capabilities to JSS Next.js apps hosted on XM Cloud.

Develop the front end with the ASP.Net Core SDK

Configure components, partial views and model-bound views with the .Net Core SDK.

Deploy using REST APIs

Manage projects, environments, and deployments with the REST API.

Create and modify site content

Perform mutations to manage your content using the Authoring and Content Management GraphQL API.

Query published content from Edge

Query the GraphQL delivery API to get your published content.

Get notified about items and workflow changes

Use webhooks to receive alerts about changes to items and their state.

Get notified about publishing events

Use Experience Edge webhooks to get notifications about changes to published content.

CLI reference

Access the library of commands to use in the Sitecore Command Line Interface for XM Cloud.

Tooling and integrations

Learn more about tooling and integrations in the Sitecore ecosystem to get the most out of XM Cloud.

Sitecore Cloud Portal

Configure users, roles, and teams, see your Sitecore applications and subscriptions, and more.

XM Cloud Deploy App

Create projects, environments and deployments. Manage access keys.

Sitecore Connect

Low-code / no-code integration tool that enables you to easily connect Sitecore products with the rest of your tech stack.

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