Combine content from multiple components
Use the Experience Editor for the steps described in this topic.
The Container component is a container for other components. Adding multiple renderings to a Container rendering helps you:
Structure your page content.
Combine content from different fields that originate in the same page or data source.
Change the data source for multiple components at the same time.
To add a Container component and to change the data source:
Open the toolbox.
From the Page Structure section, drag and drop the Container component on the placeholder you want to add it to.
Add components to the Container component. For example, Title and Page Content. By default, the components take the data source from the current page.
To change the data source for the components in the Container component, in the floating toolbar of the Container component, click More, and then Edit component properties.
In the Control properties dialog box, in the General section, in the Data Source field, click Browse.
You can now select a different data source for the components in the Container component.