Publishing items

When you edit or create new pages in the page builder, you must publish your changes so they appear on your website. This lets you save unfinished items and decide exactly when your changes appear on the website.


You can only publish pages from the page builder Editor mode, but some of the elements included in the page have to be published from the app where they were created and edited:

  • Page and partial designs must be published from the page builder Templates mode.

  • Content items must published from Explorer or the Content Editor.

  • Sitecore components and styles must be published from Components.

When you publish a page, the page in the current language version and all related items are published. Related items can be:

  • Content referenced by the item, such as media files or data sources

  • Renderings, layouts, and templates referenced by the item

  • Clones of the item

The page builder uses Smart publish, which means the selected item is only published if it has changed since the last publication. When you run Smart publish, Sitecore compares the selected item in the Master database with the equivalent item in the target database and, if the item has changed, it is published. When you are publishing single items, Smart publish is a quick way to make sure that you publish all changes to a specific item and its related items.

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