
XM Cloud Pages Analyze lets you know what is happening on your digital properties as well as the impact of the changes you are making so you can base your important business decisions on meaningful insights.


For XM Cloud Pages Analyze and Pages Analytics to work, you need to create a site identifier and assign it to your website in the XM Cloud Dashboard Settings.

To pool analytics for several site in one dashboard, you can assign the same site identifier to several sites.

You can access custom dashboards for specific monitoring needs:

  • Use XM Cloud Analyze to get page analytics on a specific page, or on a page compared to one of its variant. The data refreshes every minute.

  • Use either XM Cloud Analyze or XM Cloud Analytics for  site analytics. The data refreshes every minute.

  • Use XM Cloud Analytics for form analytics to track user engagement with forms. The data refreshes every 15 minutes.

The data refreshes every minute for the site and page analytics dashboards, and every 15 minutes for the form analytics dashboard.

Visits and events data is only available for the last 30 days. Events data is equivalent to Views for pages and sites, and Views, Interactions, and Submissions for forms.

Screenshot of the Site insights in XM Cloud Pages Analyze

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