Create or update publishing conditions
To configure Content Hub, you must either be a superuser or have the necessary permissions granted to you through user group policies.
You can use conditions to control which entity definitions are published and when. Within publishing conditions, you can:
For each definition, create rules based on related entity values, such as M.Final.LifeCycle.Status* is *Approved.
Use AND/OR operators to combine conditions and create more precise rules. With the AND operator, all conditions must be met. With the OR operator, at least one of the conditions must be met.
Use the All/Any global operators between conditions. All matches all conditions, Any matches any condition.
Group conditions by creating nested conditions.
You can also define a publication date.
To create or update publishing conditions:
On the menu bar, click Manage .
On the Manage page, click Delivery platform.
On the Delivery platform page, in the left pane, next to the entity definition you want to add publishing conditions to, click one of the following icons:
- publishing is disabled in the delivery platform and the entity definition is unpublished.
- publishing is enabled in the delivery platform and the entity definition is published with conditions.
- publishing is enabled in the delivery platform and the entity definition is published without conditions.
In the Delivery platform settings dialog, turn on the Enable in delivery platform switch if it is not already on.
To add a condition, in the Publishing conditions section, click + Condition. A gray box appears, representing a new condition.
In the gray box, select the definition member for the condition.
Select an operator and, if applicable, select the Match case check box.
If applicable, select whether the entity definition matches all or any of the conditions.
Click Done:
TipYou can click and drag the icon for a condition to change its position.
NoteYou can add a nested condition within an existing condition by clicking + Condition, or Make group . If you add nested conditions, make sure to select whether to include each condition as AND or OR.