Studio (Preview)

Studio is the next-generation installment of the Sitecore Content Publisher, aimed at giving you more options to create marketing designs even if you aren't a professional designer. After choosing a template, just fill in a few fields and let Studio do the hard work. In seconds, you'll have a custom design that you can adjust until you're completely happy with it. Use the same template to create similar designs, ensuring brand consistency and making localization easy.

The trial version offers two templates, Back to school and Chilltronics, and the designs you can create from a single template are limited to 100. The full version will let you create marketing designs based on existing templates, connecting product data and business logic with marketing assets for automation across channels.


When selecting images for your design, please keep in mind that the options in the trial version are limited, and don't include the photos you have in Content Hub.

To create a design:

  1. On the menu, click Studio (Preview) > Designs.

  2. On the Designs page, click plus sign Design.

  3. In the Choose a name and template for your design dialog, in the drop-down list, click the content language you want to use for your design.

  4. Enter a name for the design and, optionally, a description.

  5. On the right-hand side of the dialog, click the template you want to use for this design.


    You might be asked to grant permission to the Sitecore Content Publisher editor, for example the first time you access it. This is normal, and is required to use the editor.

  6. In the Customize dialog, in the left-hand pane, fill in the fields depending on the template you've chosen.

    Field name



    Choose your design layout from the following options:

    • Instagram Photo

    • Instagram Story AD

    • Facebook AD Left

    • Facebook AD Right

    • Facebook Banner

    Baseline text

    Enter the main text for your design.


    Enter the date when the offer on your design will expire.


    Enter a price for your design.


    Enter a currency for the price.

    Product Image

    Select a product image from the available list.

    Background Image

    Select a background image from the available list.

    Field name



    Choose your design layout from the following options:

    • Square

    • Instagram

    • Facebook

    • X

    • LinkedIn

    • TikTok


    Enter a headline for your design.


    Enter a short slogan to be displayed under the headline.

    Product Shot

    Select an image of the product from the available list.


    Enter the discount associated with this design.

    In the right-hand pane, you can click the Play button to watch the animation, if there is one.

  7. To create another design, select the Create another check box.

  8. Click Save. If you selected the Create another check box, the dialog displays where you can create another design. If you are not creating another item, the Designs page opens.


    When you create another item, some of the fields are prefilled with values you already defined.

  9. Optionally, you can download the design by clicking Download and selecting either JPG, PNG, GIF, or MP4.

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