Manage trash

You can restore the assets from the trash or delete them permanently.


You can also delete or restore assets from all users on the Trash page. To access the Trash page, on the menu bar, click Manage cog icon then select Trash move to trash icon.

To restore or delete a single asset you sent to the trash:

  1. On the menu bar, click Profile and settings avatar icon, then select My trash delete icon.

  2. On the My trash page, search for the asset you want to restore or permanently delete, and then click one of the following:

    • Restore restore icon to restore it.

    • Delete forever Permanent delete icon to permanently delete it.

    • Show selected onlyEye icon to see only the images you selected.

To restore or delete multiple assets you sent to the trash:

  1. On the menu bar, click Profile and settings avatar icon, then select My trash delete icon.

  2. On the My trash page, select the assets you want to restore or permanently delete.

  3. In the top-right corner of the window, click one of the following:

    • Restore restore icon to restore the selected assets.

    • Delete forever Permanently delete icon to permanently delete the selection of assets.

    • Show selected onlyEye icon to see only the images you selected.

You can simultaneously delete all assets in your trash by clicking Empty trash empty trash icon.

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