

This glossary defines key Sitecore Content Hub terms and concepts.


A component that performs a specific task. Actions can be manually triggered by a user from the UI, automatically run by a trigger, or by the API.


A person or automated process responsible for the upkeep, configuration, and reliable operation of Content Hub. Can edit or delete any system-owned entity and perform system operations that may include changes related to upgrades or associated with specific features. A list of the changes made are available in the audit logs. Customers cannot be administrators.


A component configured to perform a specific type of task.


An entity in Content Hub such as an image, a video, or text file.


A basic project, a multi-stage project, or a stage in a multi-stage project.

Brief asset

An image, document, or other type of file that helps demonstrate the purpose of a specific content item or campaign. Brief assets are used for inspiration and are not usually included in the content.


A campaign is an action plan to promote a product.


A collection is a set of assets grouped together. For example, a collection can group related assets based on an event or a product. Collections make it easy to share content with collaborators.


Content refers to the elements of a campaign such as a blog post, a recipe, or an advertisement.

Content collection

A content collection brings together content items that have a common property or purpose. It enables you to create, manage, and share channel-specific content for easy reuse.

Culture (also called content language)

A setting that is used to fetch language-specific text for multilingual content item properties, letting users view content in their preferred language (such as nl-BEen-US, and so on) wherever it is available. This is distinct from a portal language, which affects the display language of the UI.

Data model

A data model (also called a schema) is a structured representation of the underlying Content Hub database. The data model includes entity definitions such as assets, products, or projects.

Domain model

A definition of the domain parts of a system and how these parts are structured and linked together. In Content Hub, the domain model is a representation of the entity types stored in Sitecore DAM and how they are related to – and inherit information from – each other.


A draft is a temporary instance of an item that lets you make modifications without starting a new creation and approval process. For example, you can create a draft of a published recipe that you want to update. The original recipe stays available but is locked while you edit the draft. When your draft is ready, you send it through an approval workflow for the changes to be approved and merged into the published version, at which point the draft is deleted.


Digital Rights Management (DRM) refers to the access-control technologies used to restrict usage of copyrighted works.


An entity is a set of data that belongs together (such as for a product, campaign, project, story, recipe, or asset). In general, an entity is anything that you can find and display when searching for content. For example, an entity can be a digital asset (file) that has been uploaded along with its metadata, or it can be a collection of related data. An entity from another system linked to Sitecore DAM is called a proxy entity. You use proxy entities in Content Hub like any other entity. However, they are read-only because master-data ownership for this type of entity belongs to the other system.

Entity definition

A set of metadata properties that define how an entity is structured and includes both descriptive metadata properties and relations with other entities. You can also think of the entity definition as a content type definition or an entity-specific metadata schema.

Entity property

An editable detail about an entity (such as product number, benefit, campaign brief, or file name). Properties can be, for example, text, numbers, option lists, or dates. They can be multilingual and you can define as many properties as you need on an entity. You can also specify properties to a proxy entity that are not available in the source system.


Facets organize content based on taxonomy values and let the user limit search results based on the selected facet. You can organize and group facets using super facets.


A filter lets you limit the number of results in a search so you can find the content you need.


A fragment is similar to an asset, except that the content is a text snippet rather than a media file. It consists of a rich-text snippet and a title.


A job is a background process.

Job (MRM)

In Marketing Resource Management (MRM), a job is a space in which teams and departments can work together.


A member is the set of the properties and relations you assign to an entity definition.

Member groups

A member group is a collection of members.


The data transported between the sender and the receiver application. For example, a message can be a request to the system to process an asset.

Page component

A page component is a container that holds the actual content of a page.


A user group policy consists of rules, conditions, and permissions. Policies are assigned to users, determining what they can see and do throughout Content Hub.

Portal asset

A special kind of asset that is not stored in the Digital Asset Management (DAM) system, such as a graphic page element or a background image for a tile. It can also be a JavaScript file that is used with an external component.

Portal language

A portal language is a setting that is used to fetch language-specific text for UI elements such as field labels and button text, letting users view Content Hub in their preferred language (such as nl-BEen-US, and so on) wherever it is available. This is distinct from a culture, which affects the display language for content item properties.

Portal page

A portal page is a page from which you can access and interact with data such as entities, components, relations, and properties. Users must be given access to a portal page to see its content.


A product is an entity in Sitecore Product Content Management (PCM) that represents a single product.


A project is a marketing plan in Sitecore Marketing Resource Management (MRM).

Public link

A public link is a free access link to an asset.


A queue is a list of messages waiting to be processed in sequential order.


A relation is a link between two entities that lets you display data from the parent-child relationship on relevant details pages. By creating relations between entities, you make each entity more detailed without duplicating data. For example, you might have a product that is available in several colors, a recipe that uses several products, or a campaign that contains a story along with associated files. In each case, there is a relation between the parent and the children entities.


A rendition is a specific version of an asset (for example, an image might have an original and a medium-sized rendition). A custom rendition is one that is created from the asset details page, either by clicking + Rendition in the Renditions section or by clicking DownloadCustom download. A custom rendition is for a specific asset, unlike a rendition configured in a media processing flow, which applies to all assets or specific types of asset.


See Data model.

Search (saved search)

A saved search is the result of a search in Content Hub, saved as an entity object.

Security model

The security model defines the conditions for securing user access to entity definitions.

Selection (saved selection)

A saved selection is a selection of assets saved as an entity object.

State flow

A state flow is the logic applied to the content creation process. This consists of a series of states, transitions, and actions that superusers can enable for any type of content.


A user who has special privileges to configure and maintain a Content Hub solution. They can edit or delete any non-system-owned entity.

Super facet

A super facet organizes facets into groups.


Settings, definitions, properties, or components that are default elements in Content Hub. Superusers cannot edit these default elements.


A task is an action performed by a user in a project.

Taxonomy definition

A taxonomy definition is an entity definition that is searchable as a facet in advanced searches.

Taxonomy relation

A taxonomy relation is a relation between entities that allows for advanced metadata and security inheritance through their family tree.


Pre-defined structure and default values to help build the domain model.


A transformation is a processing operation that allows superusers to manage the configuration of preset asset renditions and apply them to renditions dynamically.


A trigger consists of the conditions that, when met, automatically execute a set of actions.


A variant is a stand-alone copy of an original item that has at least one different property. This variant is considered a sibling or a child of the original item. Variants can be used to adapt an item to different locales, for example.


A version is a revision of an original content item that remains associated with the original, essentially an instance of a content item that you can make changes to without affecting the original. The main difference between drafts and versions is that a draft disappears when you merge it into the original, whereas a version continues to exist as a different instance of the same content item. The latest version is considered the master version, but you can revert to an earlier version if necessary.

WIP asset

Work in progress (WIP) assets are assets that have a status of either CreatedUnder Review, or Rejected .


Specialized application that processes messages from queues.

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