
In the context of project management, a task is a piece of work that has a time element associated with it. In Sitecore Content Hub, there are several types of tasks. Examples of tasks are:

  • Upload images from a photoshoot.

  • Change the layout of a page.

  • Annotate content.

  • Review and approve a piece of artwork.

Tasks are listed on the Tasks page or on the Tasks tab within a project or stage.


You must have the necessary permissions for your tasks to display on the Tasks page.

The following example shows the Tasks page.

Tasks page showing all tasks

The following example shows the Tasks tab within the Ideation stage of a project.

Tasks page within the ideation stage of a project

Project managers can create tasks on the Tasks tab in a basic project or in a stage of a multi-stage project, and perform actions on tasks - such as editing details and reassigning a task - from the Tasks page. Task assignees can use the Tasks page to view tasks they have been assigned, and select a task to complete.

More actions

When looking at a list of tasks, you can use the More actions More actions icon menu to make a variety of changes to that task.




Reassign icon

Reassign task

Change the assigned users or user groups.

Edit icon

Edit task

Edit the task (for example, change the name or message text; or add assets, fragments, and CMP content).

Send reminder icon

Send reminder

Send a reminder to the assigned users or assigned user groups.

Cancel icon


Cancel the task. The task is kept, but its status is changed to CANCELED.

Delete icon in grey

Delete task

Remove the task. The task is removed from the project and deleted.


You can search and filter tasks (for example, you can narrow down the list of tasks displayed using the All, Assigned to me, or Created by me filters).

Task status

To help you quickly determine the status of a task, each status type is color coded:

  • Red - these tasks are Declined. They have been rejected by the assignee.

  • Green - these tasks are Done. They are complete.

  • Blue - these tasks are In progress. They have been accepted and are under way.

  • Grey - these tasks are Waiting or Assigned. They are pending and have not yet started.

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