The Calendar page provides an overview of content for a specific period of time. You can add content to the calendar and view calendar details by:
Day - where information is broken down into hourly segments for a deep overview of the published content planned for the day. By default, the day view displays today's information. You can use the arrows to navigate to another day.
Week - where published content is displayed for a 7-day week. This view shows the status and content type for each entry in the calendar.
Work week - where published content is displayed for the Monday to Friday work week.
Month - where published content is displayed for the month. This is the default view.
To display detailed calendar content in a vertical view, use the Agenda view. In the following example, the calendar display is by month.

To return to the current day, click Today.
You can use the facets above the calendar to filter the information displayed on the calendar. By default, the following facets are available:
Content type - displays published content of the selected type (for example, only the Blog type or only the Social media type).
Life cycle status - displays published content for the selected life cycle state (for example, InProgress, Idea, Final).
Localization - displays published content for the selected display by locale (for example, en-US, nl-BE).
You can select any combination of facets (for example, content type of Recipe, life cycle status of Final, and localization of en-US).