The Ideas page contains all the content created through the creative Ideation process where you generate new ideas. An idea is a basic element of thought and can be visual, concrete, or abstract. You can add ideas directly on the Ideas page. When an idea has been approved for creation, it moves into the CMP flow.
There are two tabs on the Ideas page:
Filters - lists available filters for Content, Audience, and Region. Select a filter to narrow down the list of ideas displayed. In the following example, the Blog filter is selected.
Advanced - lets you build a filter by specifying the conditions.
You can filter ideas by locale using the Localization facet and sort ideas by Name and Date created attributes.
To change the columns displayed on the Ideas page, click Columns . In the window that displays, select or clear the check box next to the column heading.

You can also use the full-text search to find ideas.