Create and upload a template
The Sitecore Content Publisher feature lets you create new templates and then upload premade content into them.
Create a template
Creating a template in Content Publisher results in an entity that you can upload default content into.
To create a template:
On the menu bar, click Publisher > Templates.
On the Templates page, click
In the Name field, enter a name for the template.
Optionally, in the Description field, enter additional information about the template, such as its purpose.
Click Save. The details page of the template opens. From here, you can edit the template or upload a template file.
The Sitecore Content Publisher editor is based on the Chili Editor. To learn more about how to work with it, read the CHILI Editor Guide. Sitecore documentation includes examples of how to create and configure variables or frames.
Upload a template
After you have created a template, you can upload a CHILI package to populate that template with content created beforehand.
To upload a template:
On the template detail page, click Upload CHILI package.
In the Upload CHILI package dialog, either drag and drop the template .zip file or browse to search for the file you want to upload.
During the package upload, the template goes through a validation check. This ensures that all the fonts and assets are available in your Content Hub configuration. An indicator next to the template name at the top of the page displays the document status (PROCESSING, VALID, or INVALID). If the template is not valid, the indicator displays TEMPLATE INVALID.
To reprocess a template after applying a fix, in the top-right corner of the page, click More actions > Revalidate template
You can use the following file to test the template upload process: lemonade product ad.