Create a draft

Using the Drafts feature, you can create a copy of an original content item that has all the original file references, relations, and metadata configurations. This lets you edit content items without directly applying the modifications to the original content item, and save modified content items as standalone items.

To create a draft:

  1. On the menu bar, click Content and select Search.

  2. On the Search page, search for the desired content item and click it.

  3. On the content item details page, click More actions more actions icon > Create draft create draft icon.

  4. Modify the text fields as required.

  5. Click Submit submit icon to submit the content item for approval.

You can also save a draft as a new standalone item, by clicking Save as new version. This creates a draft that is a duplicate of the original content item and removes any comments and unsaved changes.

When you click Save as new version, the original content item is locked for editing until the draft is approved or rejected, and DRAFT and ORIGINAL indicators appear on the draft item details page and on the original item details page, respectively.

To navigate between the draft and the original:

  1. On the menu bar, click Content > Search.

  2. On the Search page, search for the desired content item and click it.

  3. On the content details page of the original item, click View draft to see the draft item details page.

  4. On the content details page of the draft item, click View original to see the original item details page.


You cannot use search to find drafts. Instead, use the View draft operation.

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