Create a product family

Product families are a useful way of categorizing products based on similar traits.


The Selection component, which is used when you select products and assets, contains a selection pool property set as Shared pool. It checks that product and asset selections stay selected as long as needed. For example, if you select products in a commerce catalog or product family page, the selection persists when you navigate to the Products page.

To create a product family:

  1. On the menu bar, click Products > Product families.

  2. Click Product family.

  3. In the Product family dialog, fill in the following fields:

    • Name - the name of the product family.

    • Label - the product family label displayed in the UI.

  4. Next to the Brand field, click Add add icon and, in the Brands dialog, select the check boxes next to the brands you want to add to the product family, and click Save.

  5. Next to the Product categories field, click Add add icon and, in the Product categories dialog, select the check boxes next to the product categories you want to add to the product family, and click Save. Available product categories are retrieved from the M.PCM.ProductCategory taxonomy.

  6. In the Short description field, enter a description of the product family.

  7. To create another product family, select the Create another check box.

  8. Click Save. If you selected the Create another check box, the Product family dialog displays where you can create another product family. If you are not creating another item, the Product families page opens. Click on a product family to open its details page. To add assets to the product family, click the Assets tab. To add products, click the Products tab.


    When you create another item, some of the fields are prefilled with values you already defined.

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