Edit a product family
You can update the details of a product family, including the option to add a long description. You can also change the products and assets it encompasses.
To edit a product family:
On the menu bar, click Products > Product families.
On the Product families page, click a product family to open its details page.
On the Details tab, click Edit
and modify the following fields as required:
The name of the product family.
The label to be displayed in the UI for the product family.
The brands that the product family belongs to. Click Add
to display the Brands dialog box and select the desired brands.
Product category
The product categories that the product family belongs to. Click Add
to display the Product categories dialog box and select the desired product categories.
Short description
The short description of the product family.
Long description
An extended description of the product family that can include rich text formatting.
Click Save.