Download and preview assets in a public collection

To publish and share an asset collection, you generate a link that opens a public collection page. From that page, you can download the assets individually, all together, or by selecting specific assets to download simultaneously. When you download multiple assets, a ZIP file is created containing all the renditions specified in the link settings.

A public collection page

You can customize the look of the public collection page using a theme. The theme's main color, the navigation bar background color, and the logo from the default theme are applied.


The public collection page does not support localized content.

To download and preview assets in a public collection:

  1. Open the generated public collection link in a browser.

  2. On the public collection page:

    • To download all the assets in the collection, in the top-right corner of the page, click Select all and then click Download.

    • To download some of the assets, select the check box on each of the asset thumbnails you want to download and then click Download.

    • To download a single asset, at the bottom of the asset thumbnail, click Download and then click the rendition you want to download.

    • To preview an image asset, on the asset thumbnail, click the image. This opens a drawer that includes a preview of the image together with details about the image such as title, filename, asset type, asset media, and file size. You can also download the asset from this drawer by clicking Download.

      Asset preview drawer
    • To preview a video asset, on the asset thumbnail, click the image to open the preview drawer. Click the static image in the drawer to preview the video.


    The process of generating the public collection page takes some time to complete, especially when there are many assets.

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