Security diagnostics
To configure Content Hub, you must either be a superuser or have the necessary permissions granted to you through user group policies.
You can use the security diagnostics tool to determine the permissions that a specific user has for an entity (asset or content item). The tool takes into consideration both direct policies and indirect policies:
Direct policy - permissions a user receives when they are added as a collaborator for the entity when a collection is shared or a project planned.
Indirect policy - permissions a user inherits from a user group.
To verify user permissions for an entity:
On the menu bar, click Manage .
On the Manage page, click Security diagnostics.
In the Entity ID field, enter the ID for the entity you want to verify.
Click Choose user.
In the Choose user dialog, search for and select the user you are interested in and click Select.
Click Check. A list of the permissions assigned to the user for the entity is displayed. If the user does not have permissions for the entity, the message "The selected user doesn't have any permissions on this entity." displays.