Configure the DRM settings

You can configure the DRM functionality using the following settings:

  • DrmConfiguration - sets the request flow and the approvers.

  • UsageRightsConfiguration - extends the functionality to relations other than the default ones.


You can edit the DRM email template itself and expand the Intended use and Additional information sections of the download request email by adding members to the M.DRM.UsageRightsRequest entity definition. The extra properties only render if they have a value.

Configure the DrmConfiguration setting

To configure the DrmConfiguration setting:

  1. On the menu bar, click Manage .

  2. On the Manage page, click Settings.

  3. On the Settings page, in the left pane, select DrmConfiguration.

  4. Edit the parameters you want.



    Possible values


    Attaches the DRM usage request to the unrestricted order.

    true or false.


    Defines user groups and users who can approve or reject requests.

    Users or user groups.


    Lists the restricted renditions.

    Rendition types.


    Disables the public link when an asset is restricted.

    true or false.


    Disables the Gateway API for restricted assets.

    true or false.


    Allows restricted assets to display in public collections.

    true or false.


    Defines the request flow.

    MRM for the default request flow, or MAIL for the email request flow. Be sure to clear the cache after you change the flow.


    If set to true, automatically updates the restricted status of an asset after it’s added to a rights profile or removed from all rights profiles.

    true or false (Default: true).

  5. Click Save.

Configure the UsageRightsConfiguration setting

To configure the UsageRightsConfiguration setting:

  1. On the menu bar, click Manage .

  2. On the Manage page, click Settings.

  3. On the Settings page, in the left pane, select UsageRightsConfiguration.

  4. Edit the parameters you want.




    Relations used to determine if an asset can be downloaded. For each relation you add, you must define the following parameters:

    • key - name used for exporting to Elasticsearch.

    • rights_profile_link_relation - name of the relation to the M.DRM.RightsProfile definition.

    • usage_rights_request_link_relation - name of the relation to the M.DRM.UsageRightsRequest definition.

    • hierarchy_relation - name of the self-relation, if required.

    • role - child or parent depending on the side of the relation.

    . You can extend the DRM functionality by making changes to relations.


    Non-configurable properties. Only startDate and endDate are valid properties.


    Match strategy applied to restricted assets. The value can be Any, All, or SubjectBased. If you set up a subject-based strategy, you must also turn on the Has complex rights profiles switch on the asset and add a subject and a type to the rights profiles.

  5. Click Save.

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