Create and release a product

Sitecore Connect for Microsoft D365 Commerce - Content Hub supports the creation and update of products in Sitecore Content Hub with the following attributes:

  • Product name

  • Product number

  • Description

  • Product lifecycle state

To create a product that appears within Content Hub:

  1. In your D365 environment, log into the Finance and Operations portal.

  2. On the dashboard page, click Expand the navigation pane.

  3. In the left navigation pane, click Modules and click Product information management.

  4. In the expanded Product information management pane, click Products and then click Products.

  5. In the Products list view, click New.

  6. In the New product dialog box, enter the basic information for the new product as shown in the following example:

    D365 product basic information example
  7. Click OK. You are redirected to the product details page. After updating the product information, you must release the product to a company before it is synchronized with Content Hub.

To release a product:

  1. On the Product details page, click the Release Products tab.

  2. On the Select products to release page, confirm the list of product or products to be released and click Next.

    D365 product to release page
  3. On the Select companies to release to page, select the appropriate company or companies.


    For the connector to work as expected, you must choose a company that is configured as a legal entity in your D365 dual-write settings.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Click Finish to release products. Once the new product is released in D365 and Dataverse, you can review this new product in Content Hub.

To review product in Content Hub.

  1. Log into your Content Hub application.

  2. On the menu bar, click Products and, from the drop-down list, click Products.

  3. On the Products listing page, in the Search box, enter the D365 product number of the newly released product. The newly released product appears in the search results.

    D365 product in Content Hub search

    When you create a product in Content Hub, it is set to Approved by default. You can change this by updating the entity mapping configuration file for the connector.

  4. Click the product name to open the product details page.

    D365 product in Content Hub product details page

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