Reference use case

In this scenario, you are managing a food-related blog. You want to:

  • Reference related blog posts and recipes in a blog item.

  • Find all recipes written by the same chef.

Reference existing content in a blog post

To reference blog and recipe content in a blog post:

  1. On the menu bar, click Content > Search.

  2. On the Search page, click the blog you want to modify.

    Select blog post
  3. On the blog details page, scroll down to the RELATED CONTENT section, click + Add and select + Add existing items.

    Add existing content
  4. In the Add existing items dialog box, select the content items you want to reference in your blog, then click Add.

    Add existing items window

    A list of the content items you added shows on the blog details page.

    Added reference content
  5. On the blog details page, click Save.

Create a recipe reference from a blog details page

To create a recipe reference directly from a blog details page:

  1. On the menu bar, click Content and select Search.

  2. On the Search page, click the blog you want to modify.

  3. On the blog details page, scroll down to the RELATED CONTENT section, click + Add and select + Content.

    create recipe reference
  4. In the Content dialog box, in the Name field, enter the name of the recipe.

    New content tab
  5. To select a type, click + in the Type dialog box, select Recipe, then click Save.

    Select recipe content type
  6. In the Content dialog box, click Save.

    Save new content

    The recipe you added shows on the blog details page.

    New created recipe
  7. On the blog details page, click Save.

Find all recipes written by a chef

To find all the recipes written by the same chef:

  1. On the content Search page, click the chef whose recipes you want to see (for example, Master Chef).

    Select chef content
  2. On the top-right corner of the chef details page, click More actions more actions icon > Referenced by .

    Click referenced by operation

    The Referenced by dialog box lists every content item referencing Master Chef as the chef who wrote the recipe.

    List of reference location

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