Share saved searches and selections
After you save a search or save a selection, you can share it with other users.
To share a saved search:
On the menu bar, click Profile and settings
Select My searches.
On the My searches page, next to the saved search you want to share, click More actions
> Share
. This generates a URL that you can share with other users.
Users must have a valid Sitecore Content Hub user account to access a shared search.
To share a saved selection:
On the menu bar, click Assets.
On the Assets page, click the Saved tab.
Next to the saved selection you want to share, click Actions
> Settings.
In the dialog, click Add users and, in the Add users dialog, select the check box next to any user you want to add, and click Add.
Click Save.
When you share a saved selection, security policies and permissions apply to the assets in the saved selection.