Manage saved searches
After performing a search or applying filters on the Assets page, you can create a saved search based on the settings you used. This way, you can quickly regenerate the same search at a later time or share the saved search with other users. A saved search is dynamic; when you select it, results are regenerated.
A saved search can be:
Private - these searches are only visible to the creator (and users and groups that the creator shares them with). By default, saved searches are private.
Public - these searches are available to all users. They are identified by the Public
For existing saved searches, the following procedures can also be carried out from the My searches page. This page displays your saved searches and public saved searches. To access this page, on the menu bar, click Profile and settings >
My searches.
Create a saved search
To create a saved search:
On the menu bar, click Assets.
On the Assets page, perform a search.
In the Applied filters pane, click Save.
In the dialog, fill out the following fields.
Name of the saved search.
Share search with
Add users, and then, in the Add users dialog, select users or groups to share the search with, and click Add.
Click Save.
Share a private search
You can share a private search with other users and groups so that they can see the saved search on the Saved tab on their Assets page.
To share a private search:
On the menu bar, click Assets.
Click the Saved tab.
In the MY SEARCHES section, next to the saved search you want to share, click More actions
> Edit.
Add users.
In the Add users dialog, select users or groups to share the search with, click Add, and then click Save.
Set a saved search as your default search result
If you set a saved search as your default, it is applied every time you access the Assets page. The default saved search is identified with a star icon . Your default saved search overrides the system default saved search.
To set a saved search as your default search result:
On the menu bar, click Assets.
Click the Saved tab.
In the MY SEARCHES section, next to the saved search you want to set as default, click More actions
> Set as my default.
Make a saved search public
A saved search must be public for other Content Hub users to see it. A public saved search is identified with a Public icon.
To make a saved search public:
On the menu bar, click Assets.
Click the Saved tab.
In the MY SEARCHES section, next to the saved search you want to make public, click More actions
> Make public.
Enable a public saved search
Unless you enable it, a public saved search is not visible on the Saved tab of the Assets page.
To enable a public saved search:
On the main menu, click Profile and settings
> My searches.
Next to the public saved search you want to enable, turn on the Enable switch.
Turn notifications on or off for a saved search
When you turn on notifications for a saved search, you will receive a scheduled notification, no more than once per day, if the results of that search change.
To turn notifications on or off for a saved search:
On the menu bar, click Assets.
Click the Saved tab.
In the MY SEARCHES section, next to the saved search you are interested in, click More actions
> Turn on notifications or Turn off notifications.
View your saved searches
To view your save searches:
On the menu bar, click Profile and settings
My searches .
To view the details page of a saved search, click the search name.