Update the Search component

Updating the Search component involves changes to the Search component itself as well as updates to facets, paging, and sorting functionalities.

To update the Search component:

  1. On the Search component detail page, click the Functionality tab, and click the following switches to make them active (On):

    • Full-Text

    • Facets

    • Sorting

    • Paging

    • Language selector

    • Refresh button

    • Show view selector

  2. Click Save. The Search component now has the following activated functionality.

    Search component with activated search functionality

Update facets

To update facets:

  1. On the Search component detail page, click the Facets tab.

  2. Click Add facet Add filter icon.

  3. Enter in the following settings to add a product color facet:

    • Facet type - Taxonomy item

    • Taxonomy item - Product color (DVC.Color)

    • Label type - Default

    • Sorting - Alphabetical

    • Direction - Descending

    • Position - Left vertical

  4. Click Save.

  5. Repeat steps 2-4 for Product style (DVC.Style).

Update paging

To update paging:

  1. On the Search component detail page, click the Paging tab.

  2. Select the Infinite scroll option.

  3. Click Save.

Update sorting

To update sorting:

  1. On the Search component detail page, click the Sorting tab.

  2. Click Add sorting to add a new sorting option.

  3. From the list, select Relevance and click Sorting Sort direction to change the default sort direction.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Repeat steps 2-4 to add additional sorting options.

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