Each time you set up an entity operation, you make that operation available on an entity details page. This process involves configuring several categories of settings including:
Display - set the display format, icon, label, and button style for the operation.
Operation - define the behavior of the operation.
Visibility - specify the conditions that determine if an operation is visible.
Permissions - set the permissions required for an operation to be visible.
You can also specify which operations are available when you add a Selection component. The list of potential operations depends on the entity definition associated with the page.
The following sections describe the page operations available in Sitecore Content Hub and list associated operation settings.
Add label
Applicable to: content
Use this operation to add labels to a selection of project content.
Add to entity
Applicable to: assets, collections, content, print, products, projects
Use this operation to link a child entity to a parent entity. You can, for example, add the Add to entity operation to the Asset details page so users can add an asset to a product. This results in a simple, flat list, similar to a standard relation editor. Unlike the Link items operation, you can't change how items are displayed and can't apply filters.
If you have Read permissions but not Update permissions on the parent entity, an error occurs at the validation step.
Add to saved selection
Applicable to: assets, collections, content
Use this operation to share a selection of assets with other users. You can, for example, add the Add to saved selection operation to the Asset details page so that users can add assets to a saved selection.
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to provide feedback by adding comments to an entity as part of a review process. You can, for example, add the Annotate operation to the Asset details page so that users can comment on assets.
API keys
Applicable to: collections
Use this operation to create an authentication API key to access the Preview API or the Delivery API.
For an example of the API keys operation, see API keys and Content collection details.
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to move assets from the Under review status to the Approved status. Other examples include jobs and content state flows. You can, for example, add the Approve operation to the Selection component on the Review page.
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to move entities in a state flow to the Archived assets page. This lets you move assets from the Approved status to the Archived status. You can, for example, add the Archive operation to the Asset details page so that users can archive assets they no longer need.
Assign state flows
Applicable to: assets, collections, content, print, products, projects
Use this operation to add an entity to a state flow. You can, for example, add the Assign state flows operation to the Content details page so users can add or remove an entity from a state flow.
Check in
Applicable to: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop documents
Use this operation to check in assets previously checked out of Content Hub.
Check out
Applicable to: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop documents.
Use this operation to check out assets from Content Hub to Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, or Photoshop.
Create draft
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to adapt and reuse items using drafts. This lets you maintain the intent, style, tone, and context of the original item and edit items without directly applying the changes to the original version. You can also save a modified item as a standalone item. You can, for example, add the Create draft operation to the Content details page so users can create a draft of assets.
Create variant
Applicable to: content
Use this operation to create variants of existing entities to customize content for a specific target group (for example, audience, market, country, culture, and so on). You can customize any entity definition (for example, content, product, and so on). You can, for example, add the Create variant operation to the Product details page so users can create a product variant.
Applicable to: assets, collections, content, print, products, projects
Use this operation to delete an entity. Users are redirected to a different page depending on the lifecycle status the asset had before it was deleted:
Lifecycle status |
Redirection page |
Created |
/pages/{uiCulture}/Create |
UnderReview |
/pages/{uiCulture}/WaitingRoom |
Approved |
/pages/{uiCulture}/Assets |
Archived |
/pages/{uiCulture}/ArchivedAssetsOverview |
Detach from original
Applicable to: content, products
Use this operation to apply a copy profile to a variant, causing it to become a standalone entity that is detached from the original. You can, for example, add the Detach from original operation on the Content details page so users can detach content or products from the original.
Direct publish
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to move an asset from the Created status to the Approved status, without the asset passing through the Under Review status.
Discard checkout
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to discard a checked out entity (for example, discarding an asset checked out in Sitecore Connect for Creative Cloud.
Applicable to: assets, collections, content
Use this operation to convert the selected entity files before downloading entity renditions. You can, for example, add the Download operation to the Asset details page so users can download content, assets, or collections.
If an asset is archived, it will no longer be available for download.
Applicable to: content
Use this operation to create a copy of an original entity. You can, for example, add the Duplicate operation to the Content details page so users can create a duplicate of content.
Applicable to: assets, collections, content, print, products, projects
Use this operation to edit one or more entities through a defined page. You can, for example, add the Edit operation to the Assets page and then select the Mass edit page for editing the selected assets.
Edit in table
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to perform a mass update of the metadata for multiple selected entities. You can, for example, add the Edit operation to the Assets page and then select the Asset mass edit table page for editing the selected assets.
External actions
Applicable to: assets, collections, content, print, products, projects
Use this operation to execute one or more preconfigured actions.
Find duplicate files
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to display a list of duplicate files for an entity. You can, for example, add the Find duplicate files operation to the Asset details page to let users locate duplicate assets.
An asset is flagged as a duplicate if the file representing its current version is also used as any other version of any asset, including the same asset. This means that when you upload a new version of an existing asset and the new file is unique to that asset, it's not considered a duplicate, even if it was one before. However, if any version of an asset shares the same file, including other versions of the same asset, that asset will be flagged as a duplicate. The Find duplicate files operation can be used for any asset or file identified as a duplicate.
To determine whether two entities are duplicates, the system compares each one's Digest value. This is a string of 40 characters used to distinguish the properties of the underlying data.
Generate PDF
Applicable to: assets, collections, content, print, products, projects
Use this operation to generate a PDF from a list of entities.
Link items
Applicable to: assets, collections, content, print, products, projects
Use this operation to link a child entity to a parent entity. You can, for example, add the Link items operation to the Asset details page so users can add an asset to a product. Unlike the Add to entity operation, this offers more advanced options via its nested Search and Creation components, letting you apply filters, change how items appear, and create items directly from the Link items dialog.
If you have Read permissions but not Update permissions on the parent entity, an error occurs at the validation step.
Move to trash
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to move assets to the trash. The assets in your trash are visible on your My trash page. This is known as a soft deletion, as opposed to a hard deletion where an asset is deleted permenantly. For example, you can add the Move to trash operation to the Asset details page so that users can move assets to trash.
OneDrive checkout
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to upload a checked-out file to OneDrive. The asset is locked in Content Hub until the file is checked back in.
OneDrive download
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to download files from Content Hub to OneDrive. Files are not tracked and assets remain unlocked.
Overwrite values
Applicable to: content
Use this operation to specify how the values of a variant or a draft are created and which fields are overwritten. You can, for example, add the Overwrite values operation to the Content details page so users can select a new campaign to overwrite the current selection.
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to view entity details without leaving the Search page or losing the search progress. You can, for example, add the Preview operation to the Asset details page so users can display an inline preview of an asset.
Public links
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to share assets with external people who do not have permission to download the assets. This functionality provides an unsigned public link to any pre-generated file rendition of an asset. Content Hub can auto-generate a publicly accessible link to all the existing renditions of an asset.
To create public links, you must have the appropriate user group permissions.
Publish entities to delivery platform
Applicable to: assets, collections, content, print, products, projects
Use this operation to publish an entity definition or publish entity definition members.
Refresh renditions
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to perform a mass refresh of the renditions for an entity.
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to reject an asset awaiting review, reverting the asset's status to Created and preventing it from being Approved until someone makes the necessary changes and resubmits it for another review. For example, you can add the Reject operation to the Selection component on the Review page so that users can reject an asset and send it back for a rework.
Remove from collection
Applicable to: assets, collections, content
Use this operation to remove one or more entities from a collection. You can, for example, add the Remove from collection operation to the Selection component on the Collection page so users can remove entities from a collection.
Remove from saved selection
Applicable to: assets, collections, content
Use this operation to remove entities from a saved selection. You can, for example, add the Remove from saved selection operation to the Asset details page so that users can remove assets from a saved selection.
Remove label
Applicable to: content
Use this operation to remove labels from a selection of project content.
Request download
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to submit a request to download an asset, which involves specifying when and how the asset will be used in accordance with digital rights management. For example, you can add the Request download operation to the Selection component on the Assets page so that users can request to download assets.
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to restore an asset from the My trash page.
Applicable to: assets, collections, content, print, product, projects
Use this operation to save changes made to entities.
Save as new
Applicable to: content
Use this operation to save an entity as a new version. You can, for example, add the Save as new operation to the Content details page so users can save drafts as new versions of their content.
Send to content
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to send assets to Sitecore Content Hub. They are given a status of Created using the status identifier M.Final.LifeCycle.Status.Created. You can, for example, add the Send to content operation to the Project content page so that when users upload a file and click Send to content, the project content changes into an asset, and its status changes to Created.
The file remains available in the project.
Set as master
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to set a specific rendition of an asset to be the master asset. This operation returns a secure URL as a preview rendition. It can be used when there is a relation defined (such as to M.Asset) and the Is rendition relation switch is turned on.
The Set as master operation copies the ID of a selected asset into the relation member where the Is rendition relation switch is turned on. Only one value in an Is rendition relation to M.Asset is kept because it is intended to store the ID of a single cover image. Set the cardinality on this relation to ManyToMany so that other entities of the same definition can share the asset as a cover image.
The Set as master operation removes any previous asset IDs in the member designated as Is rendition relation when the user sets an asset to be an entity’s cover image.
Set focal point
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to select a focal point on an image by moving a cursor over it. Once selected, the focal point coordinates are saved and persisted on the asset entity. These coordinates can be utilized later for cropping in public links or custom downloads. After saving the focal point, a popup notification prompts you to update asset public links that utilize focal point cropping with the newly selected focal point.
The Set focal point operation is only available for images.
Share via email
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to send an email with links to a selection of assets. In this way, you can share multiple assets with multiple recipients at the same time. You can, for example, add the Share via email operation to the Asset details page so users can send links to various assets to others by email.
To use the Share via email operation, you must have the ShareViaEmail permission. DownloadOriginal and Order permissions are not mandatory in this case. To learn more about permissions, see User group policies.
State flow transitions
Applicable to: assets, collections, content, print, products, projects
Use this operation to display the status of an entity that is in a state flow. You can, for example, add the State flow transitions operation to the Content details page so users can see the status of the content. You can configure this operation to either display every state flow linked to the entity, or display a single specific state flow.
Submit for approval
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to send an asset for approval.
For more information, see Adobe InDesign.
Applicable to: content
Use this operation to submit an entity for approval. For example, submitting a draft for approval or submitting a content idea for approval.
Toggle switch
Applicable to: assets, collections, content, print, products, projects
Use this operation to add a toggle switch to a particular field.
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to restore archived entities.
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to unlink an entity from another entity, for example, unlinking an asset from a usage right.
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to unlock assets that have been locked. Assets are locked when checked out to OneDrive or when you create a draft. They stay locked until a reviewer approves or discards the draft or the asset is checked in.
Use this operation only if the normal flow of unlocking an asset with a check in from OneDrive or by approving a draft does not work. When you unlock assets with this operation, the draft or OneDrive flow no longer works.
Unpublish entities from delivery platform
Applicable to: assets, collections, content, print, products, projects
Use this operation to unpublish entity definitions or unpublish entity definition members from the delivery platform.
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to upload files to an entity, for example, to upload assets or to upload a new version of an asset.
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to track the usage and the impact of published entities.
User access
Applicable to: collections
Use this operation to define access to a content collection.
Use direct link
Applicable to: assets
Use this operation to access the direct or gateway link to an asset.
You can enable the following renditions in the media processing flow:
Big thumbnail (chili_bigthumbnail)
Chili Lowres PDF (chili_pdf_lowres)
Chili PDF (chili_pdf)
Portal large (portal_large)
Order (property:MainFile)
Metadata (metadata)
PDF (pdf)
Vision analysis (vision_analysis)
Print massive (print_massive)
Extracted content (txt)
Portal massive (portal_massive)
MP3 (mp3)
WEBM (webm)
Storyboard (storyboard)
Vision ready (vision_ready)
Portal medium (portal_medium)
Vision OCR (vision_ocr)
Video analysis metadata (videoai_metadataVideoIndexer)
Video analysis storyboard keyframe (videoai_storyboardKeyframesVideoIndexer)
Video analysis storyboard faces (videoai_storyboardFaceVideoIndexer)
webvtt (webvtt)
Applicable to: content
Use this operation to display the variants of an entity.
Version history
Applicable to: content
Use this operation to view the changes over time to all versions of a content item.
View ancestor details page
Applicable to: content
Use this operation to view the detail page of the content's ancestor.
View detail page
Applicable to: assets, collections, content, print, products, projects
Use this operation to open the details page of an entity.
This operation is not available if the selected rendition does not exist for the asset. If no rendition is selected, the operation is always visible.
View details
Applicable to: assets, collections, content, print, products, projects
Use this operation to view related details of an entity in a new window.
This operation is not available if the selected rendition does not exist for the asset. If no rendition is selected, the operation is always visible.
View draft
Applicable to: content
Use this operation to view the draft or variant created from an original entity.
Applicable to: content
Use this operation to view the original content used to create a draft or variant.
View related entity
Applicable to: assets, collections, content, print, products, projects
Use this operation to view related entities and navigate to a specific related entity with a single click. An entity relation links to the related entity resources. For example, you can add this operation to an Entity operations component on the Content details page to see related campaigns where the relation is CampaignToContent and the details page is ContentCampaignDetail.